
Showing posts from September, 2017

Computer Engineering

    Computer engineering is the field that involves design, implementation, digital systems, and implementing new tech into systems and applications. The invention of the transistor in 1947 technology advances have sky rocketed in the field. With more than 100 million transistors in a single circuit chip you can see how much we have advanced in the field. They are able to operate more than one billion lines of operations each second. The large advances in computer tech allow devices to become smaller, less costly, and  higher performance.                                              People who work in this field do a multitude of tasks such as  research, design, develop and test computer systems and components such as processors, circuit boards, memory devices, networks and routers. Another large part computer engineering is designing soft ware for the hardware they test .                                                                             The outlook for this field is

Contributions the Romans had on Engineering

       The Romans had played a large part in history in many ways, one of the biggest ways was their contribution to engineering. The Romans created many things such as arenas, roads, aqueducts, temples, town halls, bath houses, and public forums. They relied on experience more than mathematics and sciences unlike their Greek counter parts. The largest contribution they did was create hydraulic cement. They also created a machine called the bucket wheel used to get water out of mines. Roman Bucket Wheel -        The biggest structure they have ever created were the aqueducts made out of dry masonry besides to water running on top of it. Many of the bridges that were created in this time are still being used to this day.        The Romans built many tunnels for many purposes, they ran into many difficulties constructing them such as making sure the two tunnels connected to one another. The Romans used a technique called qanat. Qa


Hello mr.baker this is my test blog